Parts list (approx. cost) and suppliers web links

Sunlite easy off freewheel 24 tooth cost $8-20 dollars (note all costs are approx..) Source:

Sunlite trike free wheel adapter cost $13 Source:

Low profile wheel bearing from McMaster Carr cost $10 each Source:

D axel ½ inch diameter, 1 foot length, from McMaster Carr, cost $10 Source:

Zinc 4 or 4.5 inch V pulleys from McMaster Carr, cost $12 Source:

V belts: from McMaster Carr: length depends on particular geometry of your motor, axel wheel setup Source:

Cost approx.: $8-15 dollars, depends on length.

V belt tensioner: use a small, 1.5 inch Zinc pulley cost $5

1/8 inch polypropropylene sheet 24 by 48 inches from United States Plastics corp: cost $14

(material to cut circular disc wheel flanges) Source:

6 inch lawn mower replacement wheels, cost approx. $6 each Source:

Roller skate replacement wheels and bearings for passive cars, approx. cost $40 for 8 wheels Source:

Electric motor for new engine and crank car (uses #40 bike chain), cost $65

24 Volt 350 Watt MY1016Z3 Gear Reduction Electric Motor with 9 Tooth 1/8" Bicycle Chain Sprocket Source:

The Electric motor that I used for the old, original engine is discontinued. Make sure you look

At the physical dimensions to make sure it will fit in the tighter constraints of the old engine design.

There are many options for 24-36 V, 35-50 watt, no. 25 chain scooter motors available from monster scooters, at website below

motor speed constrollers: approx. cost $30-50 but depends on the motor watts and voltage you choose. Monster scooter sells motor kits with controllers at the link below:

Chain sprockets and chain sizing and link sections and tools:

Please note that the 80 toothed, #25 mm sprocket used in the old, original engine is also discontinued. You can find Sprockets at : #25 Chain at :

#40 bike chain: from local bike store or anywhere on the net, including

Chain link tool to adjust size of bike chain: Topeak 2011 Update Universal Chain Tool: cost $14

chain link: KMC MISSING LINK II Bicycle Chain Link (7 and 8-Speed, 6-Pairs) cost $7 source:

chain tensioners (cost $7-10):

Hardware: because the train car frame and trucks are made of wood, most attachments including wheels, mounted wheel bearings, etc. are usually connected using appropriate diameter and length lag bolts with appropriate spacing and lock washers. Wheel, flange, V pulley assemblies use appropriate length no 6 screw bolts, lock and spacing washers, and nuts.